GLOBE International has been supporting the engagement of parliamentarians at UNFCCC COPs since their very inception in the 1990s. Our raison d’etre is to make parliamentarians better informed and more effective on climate change and related challenges. We work to support parliaments and parliamentarians create the legal underpinnings for climate commitments through framework legislation; ensure adequate budget allocation so plans are matched by finance; hold the executive to account for delivery; show leadership and action in parliamentarians’ own constituencies; and work to create broad public and stakeholder support for climate action.
Over the years at COPs, GLOBE has historically organised 2-day GLOBE Legislator Summits in national parliaments (where these coincide with COP venues) as the principal gathering and networking platform for parliamentarians at COPs. Our COP21 Global Legislators Summit, held in the France’s National Assembly, was the largest in GLOBE’s 30-year history.
At COP26, with the world still emerging from COVID, we organised our first ever hybrid COP26 GLOBE Legislators Summit, in partnership with the Scottish Parliament. Marking our 30th anniversary, and headlined by GLOBE co-founder, Vice-President Al Gore, our COP26 Legislators Summit set us on the path to hybrid events as the new normal. At COP27, we continued this with a hybrid COP27 GLOBE Legislators Summit held in Cairo.
COP28 marks two major firsts for GLOBE International and the broader parliamentary constituency:
- For the first time, the COP28 Presidency, the UAE national parliament, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and GLOBE International will be working together to deliver a Parliament Day (6 December 2023)
- GLOBE is marking a step-change in our presence at COPs by taking the decision to host the first-ever Parliamentary Pavilion at a UNFCCC COP, instead of a 2-day Legislators Summit.
The Parliament Day on 6 December 2023 will be marked by a Parliamentary Meeting in the Green Zone, organised by IPU and the Federal National Council of the UAE, with GLOBE International involvement – programme here; and by activities taking place in the Parliamentary Pavilion and other venues across the Blue Zone (details in the COP28 Parliamentary Calendar).
The Parliamentary Pavilion will offer greater sustained value over the two weeks of COP28, providing a designated gathering point for the world’s parliamentarians attending COP. It will enable caucusing and networking, foster peer learning and exchange of good practice, with a view to more effectively impacting COP negotiations and outcomes.
The Pavilion will provide a presentation space – featuring approx. 50 events over the course of the two weeks – as well as offer a meeting room for bilaterals and private sessions for parliamentarians. Events will be livestreamed and, where possible, GLOBE is encouraging parallel events to be held in national parliaments over the course of the two weeks.
The Parliamentary Pavilion is being organised as a service to the broader global parliamentary constituency as an initiative of GLOBE International with funding from the UK Government. The Parliamentary Pavilion is open to, and organised in partnership with, other parliamentary networks and organisations, in order to strengthen the parliamentary constituency at COP and beyond.
Parliaments are the constitutional backstops for accountability and must be involved in a more visible and effective way at COPs. The Pavilion is a means of bringing them together across party and political divides to build coherence and common agendas for delivery on commitments made at COP28.
Click here for more information on the COP28 Parliamentary Pavilion.
In addition to the Parliament Day and the Parliamentary Pavilion, GLOBE is also providing the following services to the parliamentary constituency, in our role as the UNFCCC Focal Point for the Parliamentary Group, to enable parliamentarians to engage more effectively in the UNFCCC and related processes:
- COP28 Parliamentary Calendar
- Parliamentarians@COP28 newsletter
- Monthly COP28 information webinars for Parliamentary Group
- Pre-COP28 Expert Webinar (27 November 2023)
- Parliamentary excursion on COP28 Rest Day (7 December)
- Post-COP28 Expert Webinar (January 2024 tbc)
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Sign up here to receive regular Parliamentary Pavilion updates from COP28 and also receive the link to join events at the Pavilion virtually.