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Welcome to the July issue of our multilingual Parliamentarians@COP29 newsletter, prepared by GLOBE International serving as the UNFCCC Focal Point for the world’s parliamentary constituency. Our work supports legislators to deliver on their Paris Agreement (and related) climate commitments, and to prepare for and engage effectively at COP29.

We are proud to work closely with the COP28-COP29-COP30 Presidencies, now brought together as the first such Troika, to better coordinate across the Presidencies and support Mission 1.5C.

Our focus is on ensuring that the global parliamentary constituency is well-informed and supported to engage in the UNFCCC process, COP29 and related international fora. Tune in for in-depth updates at our monthly Webinars for the Parliamentary constituency (details below) and our bi-monthly newsletters.

Newsletter Content:

  1. UN Updates
  2. Global updates
  3. Parliamentary network reports
  4. Have your say/Support us/Contact us

At COP28, we hosted the first ever Parliamentary Pavilion. Most of the events at the Parliamentary Pavilion were livestreamed and the videos for 32 events can be viewed directly on the  Parliamentary Pavilion playlist  here Photos from the Pavilion events can be viewed on Flickr  here.

UN Updates
COP29 President Writes Constituencies & Parties
Image credit: COP29 website

COP29 President-Designate and Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Mukhtar Babayev, has sent out his first letter to Parties and Constituencies. The letter, which was released on 18 July, 2024, outlines the principles of COP29, its two pillars, the COP29 vision, Presidency milestones, and pathways to delivery. Read more here.

In the same vein, the COP Presidencies Troika– COP28, COP29, COP30– has released its second letter to Parties where they pledged support for ambitious NDCs 3.0 in line with Mission 1.5. Read more here.

Furthermore, the COP29 Organising Committee held its 5th Meeting on 8 July, 2024. Samir Nuriyev, Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chairman of the Organising Committee stated that the President of Azerbaijan, President Aliyev, is committed to the success of COP29 and is constantly monitoring the preparation progress. He noted that there has been increasing interest by world leaders to attend this year’s summit. More here.
SB60: UNFCCC Simon Stiell ‘Too Many Issues Left Unresolved’
Image credit: Environews
Bonn: Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Simon Stiell, has said that there are so many issues yet to be resolved. This was during his closing remarks at the June UN Climate Meetings (60th Subsidiary Bodies) held on 13 June 2024. He subsequently urged Parties not to leave the hardest work for the 11th hour. Stiell stressed that there is a lot to be done within a short timeframe, and urged heads of delegations to double and accelerate efforts to ensure that Ministers and leaders are presented with viable options which would lead to a deal being reached at Baku. More here. Parliamentarians engaged at SB60 through national delegations and GLOBE’s engagement in several high-level meetings (more below).

Reporting Tools for BTR Released

Image credit:Simon Stiell’s LinkedIn
On 28 June, 2024, the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) launched the Biennial Transparency Reporting tools. This is in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework which requires parties to the Paris Agreement to submit a report every two years, with the first submission due by 31 December, 2024. These tools aim to enable countries to  track and compile crucial climate data and information which can be used to design stronger climate policies and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). More here

UNFCCC Releases COP29 Logistical Information

Image credit: YouTube
In preparation for COP29 which is scheduled to hold on 11-22 November, 2024, the UNFCCC has made available logistical information for participation to intergovernmental (IGOs) and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs). This includes information on accommodation, code of conduct, registration, etc. The online registration platform which allows IGOs and NGOs to nominate representatives to attend sessions will remain open till 4 August 2024.
UN Secretary General Advocates Ban on Fossil Fuel Ads
Image credit:TVC News

Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, has called for more rapid political action on climate change, and a clampdown on the fossil fuel industry. He advocated for a ban to be placed on the industry’s ability to advertise. This he says will help to save the world from climate change. This call came as new studies show that the rate of warming is increasing, as global heat records continue to tumble and the hopes of keeping the global temperature below 1.5 degrees keep diminishing. More here

UNFCCC Launches the NDC 3.0 Navigator

The UNFCCC has launched its NDC 3.0 navigator. The tool “addresses the urgent need to support countries in preparing ambitious, implementable NDCs 3.0 that expand climate financing options.”

Watch the launch event here:

UNFCCC to Offer Support for Preparation of BTR

Image credit: AzerNews

The UNFCCC is offering to support developing countries with opportunities and resources such as financial and technical support, and training programmes which will enhance their knowledge and skills in the preparation of national transparency reports and in the development of national GHG inventories. 

This is aimed at promoting an effective participation by all Parties in the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the UNFCCC convention, and in the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris agreement. More here
Global Updates
Azerbaijan Announces New Climate Initiatives
MPs Call for Nature Restoration
Image credit: COP29 website
COP29 Presidency, Azerbaijan, has announced 14 climate initiatives as part of the COP29 action agenda to enhance ambition and enable action. Part of this is the Climate Finance Action Fund (CFAF) which seeks to unlock funding for climate action in developing countries. More here.

6th annual London Climate Action Week (LCAW 2024) takes place

Students Demand for Climate Justice
The sixth edition of London Climate Action Week (22-30 June) took place under the motto #BeatTheHeat to raise attention to the perils of extreme heat - the first such global city to do so. With more than 300 events taking place across the city and the first State of Climate Politics Forum, LCAW 2024 was the most successful yet. It has cemented its position as the largest, city based, whole of society, multilevel climate event influencing global climate diplomacy and shaping local action. The COP29 High Level Champion and her team attended events throughout the week. Read more here.

8th Ministerial on Climate Action Held in Wuhan

Africa Energy Forum Held
Image credit: News24
Representatives from nearly 30 countries converged for the Ministerial on Climate Action (MOCA) Conference on 22-23 July, 2024, held in Wuhan, China, to discuss collaborative efforts in the fight against climate change. This event was first initiated in 2017 to support the Paris Agreement and the multilateral climate process. The Wuhan edition held shortly after the UNFCCC intersessional in June was an opportunity to elevate sticky issues in climate negotiations to a higher political level. More here

G7 Summit Held in Italy

Africa Energy Forum Held
Image credit: Consilium
Leaders of the 7 member states of the G7 converged in Apulia, Italy, for the 2024 G7 summit held from 13-15 June, 2024. Representatives of other Member States and International Organisations were also in attendance. At the summit,the discussions focused on energy transition issues such as phasing out unabated coal power generation during the first half of the 2030s, building clean and resilient supply chains, and recognising nuclear and fusion energy’s potential as a zero-emission energy source. The leaders reiterated their commitment to tackling climate change and keeping 1.5 degrees within reach. They hope to do this by working to meet commitments set at COP28 climate change conference, to triple renewable energy capacity and doubling global energy efficiency by 2030. More Here
German Cabinet Approves Carbon Capture and Hydrogen Plans
Africa Energy Forum Held
Image credit: BBC

Germany’s cabinet has approved two draft Bills to accelerate the integration of hydrogen and carbon capture into the country’s energy and industrial systems. Germany, considered Europe’s largest CO2 polluter, has identified these technologies as critical components towards achieving its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2045.More here

Climate Change and Health Resolution Adopted

Image credit:Global Climate and Health Alliance
The Climate Change and Health resolution has been adopted at the 77th World Health Assembly. The Assembly, which is the decision-making body of the World Health Organisation (WHO) recognised climate change as an imminent threat to global health, and passed a landmark resolution which underscores the urgent need for decisive measures to deal with the health risks posed by climate change. The Assembly asserts that radical action is imperative to safeguard the health of the planet, urging the global health community to mobilise on an unprecedented scale to fight climate change. More here
IRENA Releases Report on NDCs and Energy Transition
Image credit:Sustainable Economy Nigeria
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has conducted a survey of members to engender a better understanding of their NDC 3.0 especially its energy component. The survey report “explores the NDC process, before providing a review of the survey results to highlight the key challenges, priorities and support opportunities identified by Members in relation to NDC enhancement and implementation, as well as the development of long-term low-emission development strategies (LT-LEDS).” More here.

42nd International Energy Workshop Held in Bonn

Africa Energy Forum Held
Image credit:
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held its 42nd International Energy Workshop on 26-28 June, 2024, in Bonn, Germany. This annual event aims to address the complexities of energy planning and policymaking amidst environmental and economic constraints. This year's edition featured three plenary sessions with over 140 presentations in parallel sessions. More here
Azerbaijan to Host World Environment Day 2026
Africa Energy Forum Held
Image credit: COP29
The 2026 World Environment Day will be hosted in the Republic of Azerbaijan. This was announced on 27 June, 2024 by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). World Environment Day 2026 will focus on fighting climate change.

South Africa Gets Climate Change Act

Africa Energy Forum Held
Image credit: The Citizen
President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa has signed into law the country’s Climate Change Bill. The Bill, which was passed by parliament shortly before the country’s election on May 29, provides legal framework for South Africa’s fight against climate change, and the country’s just transition agenda. More here.

Scottish Parliament Passes Circular Economy Bill

Image credit: Co-operative Party
The Scottish Parliament ended Stage 3 and passed the “Circular Economy Bill”. The bill was introduced to create a circular economy in Scotland by empowering Ministers and local authorities with the tools needed to increase reuse and recycling rates, as well as modernise and improve waste and recycling services. More here.

UNDRR Develops New Toolkit for Disaster Risk Management

Our partners at the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) have developed a toolkit on nature-based solutions for comprehensive disaster and climate risk management (CRM-NbS Toolkit). The tool is aimed at supporting countries in making nature-based solutions an integral part of disaster and climate risk management planning. More here Stay tuned for news on a new GLOBE/ UNDRR partnership focused on Africa in our upcoming newsletter.

European Sustainable Energy Week Held 

Image credit: Interreg Europe
On June 11-13 in Brussels, Belgium, the European Sustainable Energy Week took place. The week with the theme “Net-zero energy solutions for a competitive Europe”, featured seven plenaries and over sixty policy sessions.

New EU Fluorinated Gas Law Comes into Effect

Image credit: ExpoClima
The new EU Fluorinated Gas regulation has come into effect. The regulation  aims to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)--the most common F-gasses–by 95% below the 2015 level, with a target of a complete phaseout by 2050. It will also restrict the use of F-Gasses in equipment where climate alternatives such as heat pumps, switchgear for energy transmission or products used in the health sector are available among several other measures. The new F-Gas regulation was first adopted on 7 February 2024, with full implementation commencing on 11 March, 2024. More here

Global Renewables Summit To Take Place At UNGA79

Image credit: IRENA
The first-ever global renewables summit will take place during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79) in New York, on 23-25 September, 2024. The summit “will bring together leaders from industry, government, intergovernmental organisations, NGOs, philanthropy, and COP presidencies in New York to help embolden action on the global tripling renewables target.” More here.

Vermont Enacts Law Requiring Oil Companies Pay for Damage from Climate Change 

Image credit: PBS

Vermont has become the first US state to enact a law requiring fossil-fuel companies to pay reparations for damages caused by climate change. Under this legislation, the Vermont state treasury would provide a report in January 2026, on the total cost to the states’ residents from the emission of greenhouse gasses within the timeframe of 1995-2024. The assessment would use federal data to determine the amount of greenhouse gas emissions attributed to a company, and possible impacts on public health, natural resources, agriculture, economic development, etc. This comes as Vermont struggles to recover from a recent devastating flood. More here

East Africa: Regional Parliamentary Meeting Takes Place

Image credit: EALA
The East African Legislative Assembly, in collaboration with African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES) convened a capacity building meeting for Eastern Africa Parliamentarians with focus on climate action accountability, oversight, effects of policies and legal frameworks, and budgeting. The 3-day meeting was held on 24 - 26 July, 2024, in Arusha, Tanzania.
LCAW 2024: African MPs Discuss Parliamentary Leadership on Adaptation Finance
Image credit: SABC
The South African Development Community’s Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) in partnership with the Global Centre on Adaptation and the DanChurchAid (DCA) held a parliamentary engagement with the theme “Securing our Future: Parliamentary Leadership in Financing Climate Adaptation” on 26 June, 2024. The event which was held on the sidelines of the London Climate Action Week (LCAW) brought together Members of Parliaments from Africa and other experts.

European Energy Ministers Meet in Budapest

Image credit: HU24EU
European Union Energy Ministers held an informal meeting in Budapest, Hungary, on 15 and 16 July, 2024. Discussions at the meeting centered around the decarbonization of the energy system. Focus areas include the role of geothermal energy, implementation of the 2030 energy policy framework, flexible integrated electricity system and the role of the national energy and climate plans. More here
9th Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Namibia
From 21-24 October, 2024, the 9th Session of the Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (AfRP-9) and the Eighth High-Level Meeting on Disaster Risk Reduction will take place in Windhoek, Republic of Namibia. This year’s session will be under the theme “Act Now for the Resilient Africa We Want”. The meeting will "bring together Ministers and Heads of Delegations to consider and adopt the AfRP-9’s outcomes, which will be submitted to the African Union Policy Organ for endorsement thereafter" with the outcomes and recommendations contributing to the 2025 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. An event for parliamentarians is expected to take place during this session. More here.

Parliamentary Network Reports

UNFCCC Parliamentary Group To Hold Monthly Webinar

The monthly "Road to COP29" webinar of the UNFCCC Parliamentary Group, convened by GLOBE International, for the month of July will take place on Wednesday, 31 July, 2024. There will be Morning and Afternoon sessions. The webinars serve as platforms for information sharing, planning and coordination by members of parliament, staff and parliamentary organisations for COP29 and related processes to inform and support parliamentary engagement. To register, please email <>.

CPA Holds Small Branches Workshop on Environmental Resilience

CPA Holds Disaster Risk Management Workshop for SIDS MPs

Parliamentarians from Australian Capital Territory, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Niue, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Tonga, Turks and Caicos Islands and Tuvalu took part in an important climate change-related workshop in Hawaii in July 2024. The CPA Small Branches network held the ‘Legislative Leadership for Environmental Resilience Workshop’ at the East-West Centre in Honolulu, Hawaii from 22-25 July. The event was organised in partnership with the Blue Planet Alliance and the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory. Sessions focused on a range of topics including climate finance, agrivoltaics and mechanisms for drafting, scrutinising, and implementing climate resilient legislation. Many experts contributed to the workshop including Malini Mehra, Chief Executive, GLOBE International. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants agreed to a number of pledges, including those related to the importance of youth engagement around environmental resilience and climate change. More here.

ASU Releases Important Tools for Parliamentary Engagement
CPA Holds Disaster Risk Management Workshop for SIDS MPs

SDG13 Climate Education for Parliamentarians is a project led by Arizona State University’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, in partnership with IPU and other Parliamentary Networks. The project aims to support Parliamentarians to understand the complexities of the climate crisis and equip them to take action. GLOBE is pleased to share three short videos on ‘Climate Action Tools’ for Parliamentarians:

  • Discover and track the sources of greenhouse gas emissions in your country via an interactive map – Climate TRACE video
  • Discover and model off best practice climate laws and policies – Climate Change Laws of the World video
  • Learn how to support subsidy reform in your country to better align with the concept of sustainable development - The Villars Framework for a Sustainable Trade System video

C4C Leads Regenerative Agriculture Delegation to Zambia 

Image credit: C4C

The Coalition for Conservation (C4C), Australia, in June, led a delegation to Zambia to gain firsthand knowledge on how drought and other climate change impacts have impacted the agricultural sector in the country. During their time in Zambia, the delegation held discussions with farmers in Chongwe, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries, small and medium scale farmers in Kasungula, etc. 

C4C’s awareness that climate change is a global issue has led to inter-continental engagements to see how collaborative actions can lead to increase impacts especially in food security and energy. The C4C delegation to Zambia comprised of experts in water management, landscape rehabilitation, regenerative agricultural practices, and soil management from the Mulloon Institute and Regenerative Australian Farmers.

Regional Forum on Fostering Sustainable Futures Held in Namibia

Image credit: Facebook/KAS
The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) in collaboration with International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) Group on 8-11 July, 2024, convened a regional workshop entitled "Fostering Sustainable Futures: Integrating Climate Resilience in Southern Africa" in Windhoek, Namibia. The event aimed at strengthening Parliamentary Conservation Caucuses; exploring climate finance mechanisms; raising awareness among parliamentarians about the environmental impacts of extractive industries, emphasising the need for oversight and sustainable practices; and fostering collaborations among stakeholders focused on Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Climate Finance Webinar for Parliamentarians

Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future are holding series of webinar for parliamentarians. On 23 July, 2923, the group held a climate finance webinar. The Climate Finance webinar was aimed at deepening understanding, sharpening arguments, and influencing discourse on more effectively pushing governments to immediately phase out fossil fuels, as well as to accelerate the just and equitable transition to renewable energy systems. Conversations centered on why COP29 is called the finance COP; how to deliver climate finance, and the role of parliamentarians. Speakers were Senator Rosa Galvez, and Yolando Velasco of the UNFCCC secretariat.
Have Your Say
GLOBE tracks parliamentary engagements in the UNFCCC process on an ongoing basis. We would like to hear from you on your parliamentary engagement on climate change. Please connect <> We look forward to hearing from you with your news and views on how parliaments are impacting the climate agenda.
Support Us

GLOBE International is an international charity registered in Belgium. We work in a cross-party and non-partisan manner to ensure that elected representatives are aware of and engaged in key international processes such as the United Nations conference of parties (COPs) on climate change, biodiversity and desertification. 

Since 2021, GLOBE has served as the UNFCCC Focal Point for the Parliamentary Group, providing a range of services to help inform and organise the global parliamentary constituency. We seek to do the same for the other Rio Conventions and key international institutions and processes.  As a non-profit organisation our work relies on public support and donations. If you would like to support our work, kindly Donate using our Paypal account: the beneficiary is <>

If you would like to support our work through sponsorship partnerships, kindly drop us a line at <> Thank you.
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GLOBE International - Secretariat
Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment

Charity No. 0445.593.551
Tribunal de Bruxelles - BE12 0689 0292 1392
Reg. Office: 37-39 Arduinkaai, bte 16, B-1000 Brussels,