These three studies, produced with the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF6) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), provide a comprehensive diagnosis of the legislative and institutional readiness of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Nigeria and Senegal for the implementation of Environmental Economic Accounting as a tool for decision-making consistent with sustainable development. They also propose a practical roadmap for the parliament and the executive to start owning this innovative toolbox as nationally appropriate.

Even ahead of their launches in KinshasaAbuja and Dakar, their findings have been informing the work of legislators and the executive in these countries to address the gaps identified, including technical capacity of National Statistical Offices, the mandate for the preparation of priority accounts, and the institutionalisation of the use of environmental economic accounting data for decision-making. In Senegal, the UN Statistics Division has responded to the demand for international expertise and is providing capacity support to the Senegalese Agency for Statistics and Demography. Meanwhile, Nigeria has included provisions on the preparation of environmental economic accounts in its new Climate Change Act). For more information, please visit the GEF6 project site.

The reports are available in English and French.

Democratic Republic of Congo

drcIntégration du système de comptabilité économique environnementale (SCEE) en RDC : Diagnostic et examen des leçons de bonnes pratiques pour l’implémentation

Integration of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in the DRC: Diagnosis and review of good practices for implementation










Diagnostic Study on the Implementation of Environmental Economic Accounting as a Planning Tool for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

Étude diagnostique sur la mise en œuvre de la comptabilité économique environnementale comme outil de planification pour le développement durable au Nigeria









Étude diagnostique des cadres juridiques, politiques et institutionnels de la Grande Muraille Verte au Sénégal

Diagnostic Study of the Legal, Political , and Institutional Frameworks of the Great Green Wall in Senegal



December 30, 2021

