Legislative & Institutional Readiness Assessments on the Great Green Wall in Nigeria and Senegal
- Legislative & Institutional Assessments of REDD+ Readiness in the DRC, Nigeria and Senegal
- Legislative & Institutional Readiness Assessments for the implementation of Environmental Economic Accounting in the DRC, Nigeria and Senegal
- Climate Change Governance & the Challenge of Multi-Level Action
- Climate Change Laws and Policies in Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Countries
- Legislative & Institutional Readiness Assessments on the Great Green Wall in Nigeria and Senegal
- Parliaments & the Paris Agreement

These two studies, produced with the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF6) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), provide a comprehensive diagnosis of the legislative and institutional readiness of Nigeria and Senegal for the success of national action advanced under the Great Green Wall initiative. Even ahead of their launches in Abuja and Dakar, their findings have been informing the work of legislators in both countries to address the gaps identified, including cross-departmental coordination, funding and financing mechanisms, involvement of sub-national authorities and land tenure issues. For more information, please visit the GEF6 project sub-site https://gef6.globelegislators.org/.
The reports are available in English and French.