GLOBE COP27 Legislators Summit

Please visit the Programme Outline and Registration platform.
Following on from the success of our first-ever hybrid GLOBE COP26 Legislators Summit at the Scottish Parliament last year, where we were able to reach almost 5000 online viewers over the two-day Summit, we have invested further in the new normal and are proud to offer an exciting new platform, Let’s Get Digital, for the GLOBE Summit. With speakers and delegates from Australia and Afghanistan to Zambia and Zimbabwe, we hope to reach every corner of the globe and make this as interactive an experience as possible.
We will be releasing an App shortly with a full suite of participation options, not just for the GLOBE Summit, but for other GLOBE activities at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh. The App “GLOBE@COP27” will include a summary of our activities that you might wish to participate in, and network with legislators from around the world.
Now that Registration is open, the App will be announced in the lead-up to COP27. Please keep an eye out for it. And please share this Registration announcement with others who might be interested.
“Delivering on the Rio Conventions: an integrated approach to climate, nature, desertification and risk governance”
The GLOBE COP27 Legislators Summit will take place from 7-9 November in Cairo, Egypt, coinciding with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP27 hosted by the Egyptian Government in Sharm El-Sheikh (7-18 November 2022).
The hybrid GLOBE Summit will use the latest digital conferencing technology to offer a highly interactive web platform enabling engagement, information exchange and networking amongst parliamentary and other delegates joining from across the world (and in-person on 7-8 November) in Cairo.
2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit (1992) which produced three landmark agreements on climate change, desertification and biodiversity. The resulting UN Framework Conventions on Climate Change (CCC COP27), Biodiversity (CBD COP15) and Desertification (CCD COP15) all have significant COPs (Conference of Parties) taking place this year. While the Climate Convention’s Paris Agreement and Glasgow Climate Pact have captured global attention, the Biodiversity Convention’s post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and the Desertification Convention’s land restoration agenda are less known, but equally vital to prevent further unravelling of planetary boundaries. As the world struggles with the interlocking climate and nature crises, global pandemics, geopolitical conflict and resulting impacts on food, energy and water security – all of which have taken their toll on development and economic stability – it is essential to improve alignment among the three Rio global sustainability frameworks and integrate a risk-informed approach to policy making, as required under the more recent Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015) championed by the UN agency for disaster risk reduction (UNDRR).
As climate-related disasters increase in frequency and intensity worldwide, and issues of loss and damage, risk and resilience move up the COP27 agenda, the Summit provides an opportunity for legislators to hear from experts and each other on how improved awareness, alignment, resourcing and implementation of the Rio conventions can not only help advance COP27, but ultimately help deliver Agenda 2030 and the SDGs. The Summit builds on GLOBE’s ‘Coherence & Convergence’ approach to these global agreements, adopted in 2015, and showcases work underway in parliaments around the world, in partnership with the UNFCCC, UNCBD, UNCCC, UNDRR, UNEP and GEF.
Monday 7 November 2022
ARRIVAL: Delegates arrive in Cairo and cultural tour day with a welcome event in the evening.
Tuesday 8 November 2022
This will be a hybrid event with in-person and online delegates issuing a ‘Call to Action’ for COP27 from African legislators.
Session 1. Profiling GLOBE’s work in parliaments across Africa on climate and natural resource governance and delivery of the nature-dependent SDGs via legislative reform, capacity building and advances in environmental accounting, in partnership with UNEP and the Global Environment Facility.
Session 2: Promoting dialogue and collaboration between similar initiatives working under the framework of the UNFCCC as well as the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), with reporting and insights on the outcome of the UN CCD COP15 in Abidjan and the upcoming UN CBD COP15 in Montreal in December 2022.
Session 3: Dialogue Platform for parliamentarians and private sector leaders to ensure synergies in delivery of global frameworks and initiatives, with a focus on outcomes of the COP26 Glasgow Leaders Declaration on Forests and Land Use with key government and private sector players.
Wednesday 9 November 2022
Virtual full-day event using the interactive Let’s Get Digital platform addressing the interlocking Rio+30 agendas and highlighting risk governance.
Session 1: From COP26 to COP27 – a Status Report
A deep-dive into the COP27 agenda and how it has been shaped by the global pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, unprecedented climate change impacts and increasing global vulnerability. Focus on legislative responses and the role of parliaments in addressing systemic risk and resilience. Case studies from parliamentarians in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Australia and Pakistan.
Session 2: Rio+30 – Securing alignment among the Rio Conventions and the Sendai Framework
Presentations by the three Rio Conventions & UNDRR on mechanisms to align agendas and improve coordination. Case studies from Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Oceania and the Middle East, with lessons for parliamentary engagement.
Session 3: Drafting Climate Change Legislation- What works & what have we learnt in three decades?
Introduction to complex architecture of national climate change legislation by distinguished jurists from Brazil, Pakistan and Europe. Climate laws are now being tested in courts through litigation. What does adjudication tell us about what works and what doesn’t? What does success look like and what must the next generation of laws incorporate to meet the objectives of the Rio Conventions?
Session 4: ‘We are creating risk faster than we are reducing it.’ How the Sendai Framework can help frame risk-informed legislation
An expert-led session by UNDRR on the Sendai Framework Mid-Term Review and the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (GAR22), drawing out key lessons and guidance for parliamentarians on how to manage risk and improve resilience in strategic national frameworks.
GLOBE legislators take a holistic view of the interconnected challenges of sustainability and seek collaborative, cross-party solutions in the public interest. They share a commitment to defending democracy and restoring trust in democratic institutions in increasingly polarised societies. Since 2019, GLOBE has placed particular emphasis on working with young people and improving political education for engaged citizenship.